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  • darkblurbg
    Kashmir Horticulture
    Director Horticulture Kashmir
  • darkblurbg
    Director Horticulture Kashmir
    Director Horticulture Kashmir
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    Apple High Density
    Revolutionary Cultivation System that will redefine Kashmir Fruit Industry
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  • darkblurbg
    Kashmir Horticulture
    One hectare of Orchard generates employment of about 400 mandays
  • darkblurbg
    Kashmir Horticulture
    As per estimate over 08 lac familes/ 35 Lakh souls are directly or indirectly engaged in Horticulture sector
  • darkblurbg
    Kashmir Horticulture
    Horticulture is Major Sector that plays a key role to state economy


Director Horticulture Kashmir
Mission Director (MIDH) J&K

View Tree Spray Schedule for 2025

Stage - 1Delayed Dormancy1


No Data available


Horticulture Mineral Oil (2 Lit) Do not spray HMO beyond green tip stage Spray HMO when night temerature is above 4ºC consecutively for 4 days.

Stage - 2Green Tip


Mancozeb75WP (300g) or Captan 50 WP (300g) 0r Propineb 70 WP(300 g) Zineb 75WP (300g) or Metiram 70 WG (300g) “when the green tip emerges it is crucial to apply the recommended fungicide before the onset of rainfall”


No Data available

Stage - 3Pink bud


7-10 days after Tight cluster stage . Zineb(68%)+Hexaconazole (4%) 72WP (100 g) or Metiram (55%) + Pyraclostrobin (5%) 60 WG (100g) or Dodine 65 WP (60 g) or Dodine 40 SC (90 ml) or Tebuconazole (6.7%) + Captan (26.9%) 33.6 SC (250 ml) or Tebuconazole (38.9%) SC (40ml) or Chlorothalonil40%+ Difenaconazole4% 44SC (180ml


Need based:(a) (a). If HMO spray is missed apply Dimethoate 30 EC (100 ml) (b).For Blossom Thrips. when 2 or more thrips per flower are observed spray Thiocloprid 21.7 SC (40 ml). (c). For Leaf Roller. when 2 or more thrips per flower are observed spray Thiocloprid 21.7 SC (40 ml).

Stage - 4Petal fall


When 60-70 % petal fall occurs. Difenaconazole 25 EC (30 ml) or Flusilazole 40 EC(20ml) or Penconozole 10EC(50ml) or Fluxapyroxad 75g/L+ Difenaconazole 50g/l SC (30 ml) or Trifloxystrobin 25% + Tebuconazole 50% 75 WG (40 g) or Fluopyram 17.7% + Tebuconazole 17.7% 400SC (50ml)


(Need based for Insects) Dimethoate 30 EC (100 ml) or Quinalphos25 EC (100 ml) or Neem Oil (1500ppm @ 300ml) followed by Lecanicillium lecanii 1.15% WP (1x108 CFU/gm) @ 500gm or Metarhizium anisopliae 1.0% WP (1x108 CFU/gm) @ 500gm after gap of 4 days (Need based for Mites) Apply acaricide when 4-5 mites per leaf are observed.Hexythiazox 5.45 EC (40ml) or Spiromesifen 22.9 SC (40 ml) or Fenazaquin 10 EC (40 ml) orCyenopyrafen 30 SC (30 ml)

Stage - 5Fruit let (Pea size)


10-14 days after petal fall spray Zineb 68% + Hexaconazole 4% 72WP (100g) or Dodine 65 WP (60 g) or Dodine 40 SC (90 ml) or Fluxapyroxad 250g/l + Pyracostrobin 250g/l 500 SC @ 20 ml or Tebuconazole (6.7%) + Captan (26.9) 33.6 SC (250 ml) or Pyracostrobin 12.8%+ Boscalid 25.2% WG (30g), or Tebuconazole 38.9% SC (40ml)


For Insects Chlorpyriphos 20 EC (100 ml) or Dimethoate 30 EC (100 ml) or Thiacloprid 21.7 SC (40ml). Mass trapping of fruit borers by pheromone baited traps @ 20 traps / ha. Need based for Mites: Apply acaricide when more than 5 mites per leaf are observed Hexythiazox 5.45 EC (40 ml) or Spiromesifen 22.9 SC (40 ml)

Stage - 6Fruit development-I


10-14 days after fruit let spray Mancozeb 75 WP (300 g) or Captan 50 WP (300 g) or Propineb 70 WP (300 g) or Zineb 75 WP (300 g) or Ziram 80 WP (200 g) Or Metiram 70 WG (300 g)


(Need based for Insects) Chlorpyriphos 20 EC (100 ml) or Quinalphos 25 EC (100 ml) or Neem Oil (1500ppm @ 300ml) followed by Lecanicillium lecanii 1.15% WP (1x108 CFU/gm) @ 500gm after a gap of 4 days (Need based for Mites) When population is more than 10 mites/leaf apply Hexythiazox 5.45 EC (40 ml) or Spiromesifen 22.9 SC (40 ml)

Stage - 7Fruit development-II


12-15 days after F.D.I spray Difenaconazole 25 EC (30 ml) or Flusilazole 40 EC (20 ml) or Penconozole 10EC (50ml) or Trifloxystrobin 25% + Tebuconazole 50% 75 WG (40 g) or Fluopyram 17.7%+Tebuconazole 17.7% 400Sc (50ml), Fluxapyroxad 250g/l + Pyracostrobin 250g/l 500 SC @ (20ml) or Fluxapyroxad 75g/L+ Difenaconazole 50g/l SC (30 ml) or Chlorothalonil40%+ Difenaconazole 4% 44SC (180ml


Dimethoate 30 EC (100 ml) or Cholorpyriphos 20 EC (100 ml) or Quinalphos 25 EC (100 ml) or Thiocloprid 21.7 SC (40ml). Change lures and liners for already installed Pheromone traps (For Mites) Hexythiazox 5.45 EC (40 ml) or Fenazaquin 10 EC (40 ml) or Spiromesifen 22.9 SC (40 ml) or Propergite42%+Hexythiazox2% EC (100ml) or Summer spray oil (750 ml)

Stage - 8Fruit development-III


12-15 days after F.D.I II spray Mancozeb 75 WP (300 g) or Zineb 75 WP (300 g) or Ziram 27 SC (600 ml) or Ziram 80 WP (200 g) or Chlorothalonil 75 WP (150 g)


(Need Based for insects) Chlorpyrophos 20 EC (100ml) or Dimethoate 30 EC (100 ml) or Quinalphos 25 EC (100 ml) or Thiocloprid 21.7 SC (40ml) or Neem Oil (1500ppm @ 300ml) followed by Lecanicillium lecanii 1.15% WP (1x108 CFU/gm) @ 500gm or Metarhizium anisopliae 1.0% WP (1.108 CFU/g) @ 500g after gap of 4 days (Need based for Mites) If population is more than 10 mites/leaf apply Fenazaquin 10 EC (40 ml) or Spiromesifen 22.9 SC (40ml) or Cyenopyrafen 30 SC (30 ml)

Stage - 9Fruit development-IV


12-18 days afterF.D.I III spray (A). (For ALB and Scab incidence) Zineb(68%)+ Hexaconazole(4%) 72 WP (100 g) or Hexaconazole 5 EC (50ml) or Myclobutanil 10 WP (70g) or Metiram (55%) + Pyraclostrobin 5% 60 WG (100 g) or Pyraclostrobin 12.8%+Boscalid 25.2% WG (30g) (B) Sooty blotch ,Fly speck, Marssonina Leaf blotch Mancozeb 75WP (300 g) or Ziram 27 SC (600 ml) or Propineb 70 WP (300 g) or Ziram 80WP (200 g) or Metiram 70 WG (300g)


No Data available

Stage - 10Pre-harvest


Need based – Long Term Storage: (20-25 days before harvest) Captan 50 WP (300g) or Ziram 27 SC (600ml) or Metiram 70 WG (300g) Ziram 80 WP (200g) or



Stage - 11Post- harvest


No Data available


Need based for Insects Chlorpyrophos 20 EC (100ml) Need based for Mites If population is more than 20 mites per leaf apply Fenazaquin 10 EC (40ml) or Propargite 42%+Hexythiazox2% EC (100ml) Essential spray in areas where Bloch leaf minor is a problem Quinalphos25 EC (100 ml)


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Download Tree Spray Schedule



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